In 2019, there were over 18 million cosmetic procedures performed in the U.S, a trend that is projected to increase in the coming years. But with all of these procedures being performed—and all of the various surgeons out there—I’m often asked how a patient should choose their plastic surgeon. Choose a board-certified plastic surgeon While… [Read More]
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Tuberous breasts form irregularly during puberty, leading to a downward-facing, conical shape with areolas that may appear puffy and enlarged. This issue is colloquially referred to as “snoopy breasts.” Tuberous breast deformity is not a commonly understood problem. As a surgeon who specializes in tuberous breast surgery, Dr. Larry Schlesinger fields many questions from women… [Read More]
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Dr. Larry Schlesinger has teamed up with community partners to create, test, and donate resterilizable N99 masks to a large hospital group in Hawaii. Dr. Schlesinger is working on the project in collaboration with Roxana M Turnbo, CEO & Fashion Designer of Gingrr Salt LLC, who fashioned the patent-pending design for this new mask. “The… [Read More]
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Attention: all new consultations with Dr. Schlesinger have the option of being conducted virtually. Contact us to find out more! As the world and our local community react with increasing concern about the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, Dr. Schlesinger and his team have been monitoring the situation closely. We understand that things feel concerning, and we… [Read More]
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Have you been hearing about a procedure known as “cat-eye surgery?” According to a recent article on RealSelf, it’s taking Hollywood by storm. However, this trending technique isn’t new to experienced plastic surgeons and, if expertly performed, can be an excellent choice for anyone who wants more youthful-looking eyes. The goal of the procedure is… [Read More]
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The prospect of cosmetic surgery is exciting for most patients, and it can be a challenge to remain patient while waiting to see the final result. Because of this, many of my patients ask me if new visualization technology apps are worth downloading. Can they provide realistic insights into potential results? It’s a great question—and… [Read More]
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Ask any of my mommy makeover patients how much time passed between the moment she first considered having the procedure and the day she had surgery, and the answer you’ll hear most is, “years.” Next, my patients will tell you they wish they hadn’t waited so long. I bring all this up because I know… [Read More]
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Do you rise with the sun or hit snooze a dozen times before dragging yourself out of bed? Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, there’s no denying most cultures condition us to believe that waking up early is the way to go. But is this an antiquated idea? Or are there actual… [Read More]
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Gynecomastia, a condition of excess breast tissue and a more feminine chest appearance, is estimated to impact upwards of 40% of men. Given that, it’s no surprise male breast reduction surgery is more popular than ever. It’s also a good sign that more and more men are understanding they have treatment options. Unfortunately, there is… [Read More]
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When I started out as a plastic surgeon some 30+ years ago, there were maybe a handful of breast implant options—if you wanted breast augmentation, you picked a size, and that was that. Today, there are literally hundreds of choices. I exclusively use smooth, round silicone gel implants for my patients. There are numerous advantages… [Read More]
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