A huge misconception surrounding liposuction is that, once you choose to undergo this procedure, you are “out” for an extensive amount of time. For most individuals this is just not true. Most surgeons recommend about a week off work, and for patients who have only undergone a small amount of liposuction, two to three days may be enough. But if you are recovering on the beach in Maui after your liposuction procedure with S. Larry Schlesinger, MD, FACS, you may wish to voluntarily extend your recovery time!
Bruising after two weeks is very rare. Swelling tends to decrease significantly within about seven to ten days and patients will look good in their clothes around this time. Swelling should be fully dissipated approximately three to five months after surgery. In about two weeks a liposuction patient can begin to “ramp up” into their prior workout expecting to hit full-speed anywhere from four to six weeks after surgery.
You may still be wondering about the level of discomfort one may expect to experience after undergoing liposuction in Hawaii. As one of the top surgeons in Hawaii and the entire country, S. Larry Schlesinger, MD, FACS has the comfort of his patients at the forefront of his thoughts and techniques. Using long acting anesthetics, liposuction is a very well tolerated procedure and pain is not generally a concern. Patients will typically wear compression garments with compression pads to keep the skin splinted in place so it heals silky smooth.
What are you waiting for? Stop by the office of S. Larry Schlesinger, MD, FACS, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with over 30 years of experience, schedule a consultation, and spend the rest of your tomorrows enjoying your body and showing it off on the beach!