Video Transcript:
Hi, I’m Larry Schlesinger from Honolulu, Hawaii and the question today is what type of recovery is there with gynecomastia surgery?
Well, I can only speak to those surgeries that I do but at least at the Breast Implant Center of Hawaii, what we do is we do the surgery, we do an aggressive liposuction and decrease the gland, sometimes to zero, sometimes even a little button at the bottom of the gland.
The periareolar incision, the incision under the nipple, one that has to have sutures removed – they’re usually removed around five or six days after surgery. The recovery itself – you have to wear a pressure vest that we provide for the first two weeks and that will give pressure to obliterate the space where the gland came from. And then what we do is we recommend getting a rash guard. And those of you who surf know what a rash guard is – it’s a tight vest – and that vest or t-shirt will hold back or decrease any swelling and that’s worn for another two weeks. So it’s one month of wearing something under your regular shirt. You’re free, you’re exercising, you’re doing anything you want. And then at six weeks, there’s normally a little tiny bump under the nipple and that’s scar tissue. That’s not reccurence of gland, that’s scar tissue. We inject a little tiny bit of corticosteroid into that one or two times. That goes away. And normally we say “Aloha” to our gynecomastia patients at two months.
What is Recovery Like for Gynecomastia Surgery (Removing Man Boobs) – Hawaii Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon, Dr. S. Larry Schlesinger. call 808-597-8835.