What is Breast Augmentation (Implant) Revision Recovery Like for Implant Exchange

By Breast Implant Center of Hawaii

What is Breast Augmentation (Implant) Revision Recovery Like for Implant Exchange

What is Breast Augmentation (Implant) Revision Recovery Like for Implant Exchange.

Video transcript:
Hi, I’m Larry Schlesinger from Honolulu, Hawaii and todays question is “How long does it take to recover if you’re just changing the size of the implant?”

Well, that’s kind of a trick question. When you’re putting in a larger implant you’re going to have to open the capsule, there’s always a capsule. It doesn’t have to be contracted. But you have to open the capsule, which could lead to bleeding. You have to very often, reposition to pocket to be either bigger or smaller depending on if you’re going with a larger implant or a smaller implant. You may have to put Siri in, you may have to do a capsuloraphy or remove some of the capsule which would be a capsulectomy. So changing the size of the implant leads to many other intra operative things that one does inside the pocket so there’s no simple answer for that but let’s say you’re just going just a teeny bit more and the pocket exists, you open it up, and let’s say there’s no capsular contracture so you go into an armpit, you take out the existing implant, you put in a new implant of a slightly different size, sew up the armpit. And one can drive their car in three days and it’s a really quick recovery. On the other hand, if there’s a whole bunch of switching around and closing the capsule and so on, the recovery could be up to seven, eight, even ten days. That’s my answer. I’m Larry Schlesinger, I’m a board certified plastic surgeon from Honolulu, Hawaii. Thank you very much.

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