Before & after rhinoplasty with chin implants. This patient also had some neck liposuction to further refine her neck contours, and she is thrilled with her results.
If both your chin and nose seem out of proportion with your face, reshaping both at the same time can have a synergistic effect, improving your aesthetic appeal without making you look like a different person. Restoring balance between features can help certain patients look more natural than before surgery, as neither feature will dominate their appearance.
That said, chin implants alone can often balance a person’s face so well that rhinoplasty becomes unnecessary. On the other hand, rhinoplasty alone can further emphasize the need for a chin implant to ensure complete facial harmony.
If you are considering both a nose job and chin implant—or you’re not sure which procedure is right for you—choose a plastic surgeon who is very experienced in performing both procedures, both on their own as well as in tandem, to ensure you get only those procedures that will truly help you.
In-app filters make it easy to give yourself a virtual facial “reconstruction” with just a few taps. Increasingly, plastic surgeons are getting requests from patients to help them look in real life how they look with these filters. However, photoshopping pictures and surgically enhancing the face are two very different scenarios. Often what you see through a filter will not be not safe or even possible to achieve with plastic surgery—and you wouldn’t actually like the result if we tried. That’s because what looks pleasing on a flat screen will be very different from what would complement the nuances of your three-dimensional appearance in real life.
While filters can sometimes be a useful starting point to show what kinds of changes might appeal to you, ultimately the best way to achieve a beautiful, naturally attractive result is to rely on the guidance an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon. Look at before and after photos of real patients to be sure you are on the same page as far as aesthetics go, and then let them recommend personalized solutions. If you have more questions about chin augmentation in Honolulu, I welcome you to contact my office for a personal consultation. Call 808-597-8835 to make an appointment.