Mommy Makeover & Ultimate Silhouettplasty Stories – Four Military Wives

By Breast Implant Center of Hawaii

Mommy Makeover & Ultimate Silhouettplasty Stories – Four Military Wives

All four women went to S. Larry Schlesinger, MD, FACS to get their pre-mom figures back. In this video, they share their stories about what changed after pregnancy, why it was hard to put themselves first, and what has changed for themselves and their relationships as a result.

My name is Amy and I had the Ultimate Silhouettplasty about a year and a half ago. My name is Sarah and I had the Ulitmate Silhouettplasty two months ago. My name is Alayna and I had the Mommy Makeover surgery about two months ago. My name is Gina and I had the Ultimate Silhouetteplasty about 6 months ago.
I was gaining to much weight in the mid-section and I just wanted to get rid of the roll. When I sat down I didn’t like the little, I just wanted rid of it.
I was not uncomfortable with being a heavy woman, I’ve always just been very comfortable in my skin. And then when I had my children things sorta changed the way I felt even, you know, to get personal I couldn’t even bear my husband to see me, you know, naked. There was rules, “Don’t touch”, “Oh no don’t put your hand there”, you know. So, there was so many rules just to touch, just to do things. So, one day somebody asked me, “When do you deliver”? And I was like, oh my gosh I haven’t had a baby in 5 years. Five years and somebody is still asking me if I’m gonna have a baby. So, I started researching and I researched a lot. It took me two years but when I came upon S. Larry Schlesinger, MD, FACS’s page I noticed that the documenters are real people and they had real issues like me. So, that’s why I did it.

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