General Guideline to Exercising after Getting Breast Implants
By Breast Implant Center of Hawaii
General Guideline to Exercising after Getting Breast Implants
After having any kind of surgery that involve a breast augmentation, you’ll need to take it easy for awhile immediately following surgery, but once you receive clearance from your surgeon, getting started with physical therapy or other exercises can help you return to your normal activities and way of life sooner. Performing stretches and exercises often reduce the problems or complications you can have after surgery. However, make sure you discuss any form of exercise you plan to do with your caregiver or surgeon beforehand as your specific situation may require you to make some necessary adjustments or preclude you from doing them altogether.
Stop exercising if you develop any pain in your chest, arm or shoulder, and call your plastic surgeon immediately.
Let your plastic surgeon know if your arm(s) becomes swollen after exercising.
Perform all exercise in front of a mirror. This way you can see if you are exercising with correct posture and using the correct motion that is recommended.
Practice deep breathing exercises (using your diaphragm) at least 5-6 times a day. While lying on your back, take slow, deep breaths. Breathe in as much air as you can while trying to expand your chest and abdomen (push your belly button away from your spine). Relax and breathe out. Repeat 4 – 5 times. This exercise helps maintain normal movement of your chest, making it easier for your lungs to expand.
Do not lift anything more than 5 pounds unless monitored by a trainer or therapist.
Wear comfortable, loose clothing when doing the exercises.
It might help to do exercises after a warm shower when muscles are warm and relaxed.
After surgery, it is not uncommon to feel some muscular tightness in your chest and armpit after surgery. The tightness will improve as you continue your exercise program.
It’s also common to have a burning, tingling, numbness, or soreness on the back of the arm and/or chest wall. This is because the surgery disturbed some of your nerve endings. The sensations may increase before they go away altogether but continue to do the exercises unless you notice unusual swelling or tenderness. (Tell your plastic surgeon if this occurs.) Rubbing or stroking the area with your hand or a soft cloth can help make the area less sensitive.
Do the exercises until you feel a good stretch. Hold each stretch at the end of the motion for a count of three. Do not do bouncy or jerky-type movements when doing any exercises. Do not push through pain. If you feel pain, STOP. You should only feel gentle stretching.
Be sure to take deep breaths, in and out, as you exercise.
Again, exercising after surgery has its restrictions but if approved by your surgeon and performed carefully, exercising makes it more likely that you’ll recovery quicker and more completely. Schedule a consultation in our Hawaii office today to discuss any other questions you may have regarding exercising after getting breast implants in Hawaii or any other plastic surgery.