When it comes to being a plastic surgery patient, there is really no more important task than choosing your plastic surgeon. With all of the different plastic surgeons who offer breast implants and breast augmentation in Kona it could become a very daunting task as well. Lucky for you this blog is going to make… [Read More]
Chances are by now you have heard about the buzz in Hawaii about the anti-aging technique called Sculptra, but do you have any idea what it really is? If you are considering a toxin like Botox that last for less than seven months to address your facial aging, consider this true anti-aging treatment first! Sculptra… [Read More]
Plastic surgery is becoming more and more accepted in Honolulu and nationwide, but the main stream is far from accepting children having plastic surgery. Record numbers of people are having plastic surgery in Hawaii and across America, but how young is too young for gynecomastia correction? Gynecomastia is a disorder in which males develop abnormally… [Read More]
Otoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that aims to reshape and improve the appearance of the ears. Many people in Hawaii who choose to undergo Otoplasty complain that their ears are badly misshapen and or that they protrude an inordinate amount away from the head. With the right surgeon, Otoplasty can address and correct these… [Read More]
Many people in Hawaii have found themselves unhappy with the shape of their nose, but do not feel like there are any options other than rhinoplasty that can address their issues. If rhinoplasty seems too dramatic for your taste, there is still a way to obtain your desired nose shape without surgery. Non-surgical nose reshaping… [Read More]
Younger men and women who are beginning to notice some signs of aging like forehead wrinkles or furrows wonder if there is an appropriate cosmetic procedure to treat them. A full Dysport treatment for someone who is 35 years old may be discouraging, but plastic surgeons like S. Larry Schlesinger, MD, FACS are able to… [Read More]
It should come as no surprise that gaining weight post-liposuction is counterproductive, but we are only human, and things like this happen sometimes. Many Hilo residents fear it will dramatically effect or even reverse the results of their liposuction. Another common fear associated with post-liposuction weight gain is requiring a follow up procedure and even… [Read More]
The term otoplasty probably sounds strange to most people in Hawaii, but it is not as strange as it may sound. Otoplasty is the surgical reshaping of the outer ear. Otoplasty can be reconstructive or cosmetic. Pinning back prominent ears (what some may call “Dumbo ears”) is one example of how otoplasty is used cosmetically…. [Read More]
The mommy makeover is a suite of procedures designed specifically for mothers. It is individualized to every patient’s needs, but usually consists of any combination of the following procedures: breast augmentation, tummy tuck, liposuction, and labiaplasty. Most women ask their Honolulu plastic surgeon all of the common questions like “what should I expect from the… [Read More]
A record breaking amount of mommies in Kona and around the world are getting their mommy makeovers to return to their pre-baby bodies. Each mommy makeover done by S. Larry Schlesinger, MD, FACS in Kona, Hawaii’s individualized and tailored to fit the specific needs of each patient’s personal anatomy. Mommy makeovers are any combinations of:… [Read More]